Main Page


Send an email to the list email address with the word "subscribe" in the subject line. list address: listname@listdomain.foo.


Send an email to the list email address with the word "unsubscribe" in the subject line.


Send an email to the list email address with the word "digest" in the subject line to toggle Digest (1 email per day) mode.

Get a password

If you want to login to this web interface: edit your name, and manage the very few settings available: Send an email to the list email address with the phrase "passwordreset" (as one word, as shown) in the subject line. The list will generate a password and email it to you.


Send an email to the list email address with the word "fortune" and list will read your fortune. It's a great way to test the list and your email / status. Helps keep the "is this list working" emails down.


Mailing list rules vary list to list. In general, if the list has to act like there are rules, you get kicked off the list. Be gracious and forgiving. If not, you had better be right.

Praise / Complains / Support